A hand-sewn 36-page booklet with letterpress cover and letterpress token made for Dafydd Roberts, to accompany the latest limited edition cassette release in his ‘Unland’ series, in this case ‘Unland 1 – The Surface of Past Time’, about which he says, ‘another in the Unland series. Cream of the crop artists include: Thighpaulsandra, Steve Parry, Johann Wlight, Barrett's Dottled Beauty, Embla Quickbeam, Andrew Leslie Hooker, Tristan Rhys Williams, with texts by these with Simon Allen & Rowan O Neill. The ground covered? The same tortuous and hallowed margins of an imaginal Wales. A psyche dreamscape for the cruellest month.’ The release can be found here: https://listentothevoiceoffire.bandcamp.com/merch/the-surface-of-past-time